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Electronic Products Honors NS Nanotech in "Optoelectronics Component of the Year" Ranking


We were delighted when Electronic Products named our far-UVC ShortWaveLight™ Emitter one of its top ten products of 2020, based on its ranking of page views of stories on its website throughout the year. And as if that wasn’t enough, the magazine just named our solid-state emitter a runner-up in its “Optoelectronics Component of the Year” ranking, based on evaluations by the magazine’s technical staff of over 100 products across 10 electronic component categories.

Here’s what the magazine says about our ShortWaveLight™ Emitters:

"The new nitride semiconductor chips are the first solid-state devices to emit far-UVC light at wavelengths ranging from 200-to-222 nanometers (nm). It’s commonly known that germicidal UV-C light, typically at a wavelength of 254 nm, is highly effective at killing bacteria and viruses and is primarily used to disinfect all kinds of equipment, particularly medical devices. However, it is a health hazard for humans, potentially causing harm to eyes and skin, including skin cancer. But several recent research studies have shown that far-UVC light, at a wavelength of between 207 to 222 nm, can kill airborne viruses without harming human skin."

Who was our competition? Only some of the world’s biggest LED and semiconductor companies. Top honors in the optoelectronics component category went to Seoul Semiconductor, for its LEDs that reduce power consumption in electric vehicle headlights. Seoul Semiconductor is a decades-old company that’s a top-five LED manufacturer with nearly a billion dollars in annual revenue. NS Nanotech, on the other hand, is a two-year-old startup company. We've only recently announced our first product, which we will start to manufacture this year.

And many of the other contenders we nudged out for the second-place spot were long-established billion-dollar-plus competitors. We’re pleased and proud to be in such great company. And we’re looking forward to making our mark as we ship the first solid-state far-UVC light-emitter later this year, and as we continue developing the next generation of nano-LEDs that promise to disrupt the entire multibillion-dollar global LED industry.

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